the effects of the sun
Is there anything I need to be aware of when using a nightly retinol product and the effects of the sun?
Using any kind of vitamin A product, from the gentlest retinol cream from the department store to the strongest Retin-A prescription, will make your skin more sensitive and susceptible to sun damage. Vitamin A creams exfoliate dead and damaged skin cells, leaving the new cells exposed and vulnerable. Add a little sun to those fresh, new cells and you can have quite a nasty burn on your hands… er, face .
The best solution is sunscreen. Use one faithfully every day, regardless of the weather or season, and apply it liberally to cover your whole face and neck. If you are using a low SPF like 8 or 15, consider moving up to 25 or 30, and make sure it is a broad spectrum product that protects you from both UVA and UVB rays. Check the product label for ingredients like oxybenzone or -cinnamates (UVB blockers) as well as avobenzone, zinc oxide, or titanium oxide (UVA blockers).
Here are a few that I like:
• Oil of Olay Complete UV Protective Lotion
• Ombrelle Sunscreen Lotion
• Sage Skin Care SPF 25 lotion