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I am about 65 years old, and every day I count a new wrinkle somewhere on my body

new wrinkle somewhere on my body

I am about 65 years old, and every day I count a new wrinkle somewhere on my body. What can I do to get rid of them? I have tried putting myself in the dryer to get rid of them, I have tried an iron, too, but nothing works. What should I do?

If only it were that easy. Wrinkles come with age because the production of collagen slows as we get older, as well as the fact that years of exposure to sun and free radicals causes damage over the long term.
Honestly, I won’t shine your apple here. Lines and creases are a part of life as we get older. Think of each line as being representative of a new kernel of wisdom you’ve gained, or a good joke you’ve laughed at, or a new lesson you’ve learned.
Treat your skin well by staying hydrated, exercising, eating well, and using products to exfoliate and moisturize; dozens of brands are reviewed at our sister site CosmeticConnection.com, so you can just sift through them until you find some that appeal to you.
Hope this helps!

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