my lips get very dry
Now that winter is here, my lips get very dry. What is your recommendation for a lip emollient that is soothing and heals at the same time?
Winter weather can really do a number on your skin, and the lips always seem especially vulnerable. Aside from drinking plenty of water (keeps your skin hydrated from the inside), here are a few balms and glosses that I’ve found help relieve dryness and heal cracked, chapped lips.
• Kiehl’s Lipbalm
• R. A. Eckstein Lipbalm - my current favorite for incredible protection and a great aroma; I got mine from the Steven Miller Skin Care site
• Bloom Aromatherapy Lip Balm - from Australia, this balm comes in refreshing (spearmint), sweet (sweet orange), spice (cinnamon), kissable (lime), cool (peppermint), luscious (vanilla absolute)
• Origins Lip Remedy - very minty and cool, available at an Origins cosmetic counter at a department store near you
• Alpha Hydrox Lasting Lip Treatment - for you drugstore fans, this lightly exfoliating treatment has SPF8 sun protection and comes in a tasty vanilla mint flavor
• BeneFit Smoooch lipbalm - a thick creamy balm loaded with jojoba and vitamin E, for seriously dry lips
For the best results, apply any of these balms faithfully several times a day, and always before going outside. Drink plenty of water (can’t stress that enough!), and try not to lick your lips - it will only make the dryness worse.