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Lupus, Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis, Polymyalgia rheumatica, Pseudogout (false gout), Psoriatic arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome


Gout is a form of arthritis that comes on quickly and causes intense pain and swelling in a joint. It can affect any joint but usually shows up in the big toe, hand, ankle, or knee.
Each year, gout strikes more than one million Americans, most of them middle-aged men. Continue reading


Arthritis is a name for many joint problems that cause swelling, pain, and stiffness. Two types are common: Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis, which can be very serious, affects more than 2 million men, women, and children in the United States. It’s a system-wide disease that often inflames the joints but can also get into other organs. Osteoarthritis, from wear and tear in a joint, affects about 21 million people, most of them older adults. Continue reading

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that always involves the joints, but may produce extensive connective tissue and visceral lesions. Despite extensive research the etiology of JRA remains unclear. No autoantibody specific for the disease has been documented. Much evidence points to a major role for immunologic reactivity in perpetuating rheumatoid inflammation. Continue reading

Sjögren’s syndrome

( 1999 )
-I am looking for information regarding a connective tissue syndrome. I believe it was named after a Swedish physician — something like Sjoegen’s syndrome? Can you provide me with any information, including proper spelling?- Continue reading

Psoriatic arthritis

( 1999 )
What is psoriatic arthritis?

Psoriasis is a common disorder in which areas of the skin become inflamed, thickened, dry and scaly. In addition to the major involvement of the skin, it also can cause pitting of the nails and damage to joints. Psoriatic arthritis, which is arthritis associated with psoriasis, tends to develop slowly Continue reading

What is pseudogout ?

( 1998 )

- What is pseudogout and how can it be diagnosed? What are the treatments? -
Pseudogout (false gout) is a form of arthritis caused by the deposition of crystals in one or more joints. Unlike the usual gout that is due to crystals of uric acid, in pseudogout the crystals are calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CCPD). Continue reading

Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis

( 1998 )
-I’ve been receiving therapy for palindromic rheumatoid arthritis. I’d like to know exactly how it differs from rheumatoid arthritis. I’m confused about the difference.-
Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis is a form of the disease that tends to have active periods alternating with remissions. The adjective “palindromic” is derived from a Greek word that means “a running back.” In the English language, a palindrome is a word that reads the same from either end, such as madam or wow. Hence the adjective palindromic means to come and go.

What is lupus?

( 1997 )
-What is lupus? What are its symptoms?-

Lupus erythematosis belongs to a group of immunologic rheumatic diseases that has also been called collagen or connective tissue diseases. They Continue reading

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